Writing Exercise
Annabelle Georgakilas | Creative Writing
Annabelle Georgakilas | Creative Writing
The guitar that sits on the floor next to me has strings that are so shiny because they’ve been played a thousand times, and dust caked into the grooves where fingers can’t reach. When the guitar was brand new, I did not know its first owner, or its second. It sat on his floor, all polished, with no paint splatters on the body, or dust caked into the grooves. But with time grew its character, and now I have a guitar that smells the same as my Nan's old closets and the wood of my childhood best friend's dinner table. In this time, though, I've got to meet its first owner, and its second, and it smells like familiar memories and love and happiness as well.
Spark Page: https://spark.adobe.com/page/Xa2kU4vPkeyv7/
Cinematic VR
Elliot Murphy, Tim Dutton-Ashcroft and Tom Siely | Screen Production
Elliot Murphy, Tim Dutton-Ashcroft and Tom Siely | Screen Production
The ultimate goal of our production - Jumbles - is to dive into the mind of a girl and explore her own experiences and stories she wishes to share with us - the audience. The stories that Annabelle has written are in a way, a portal for the audience to delve into how she perceives her day to day life and experiences. Annabelle's stories and the character we portray them through in our production deal with the dualities and contrasts of life. She sees the light and dark in this world, her thoughts are always up and down, we see the things she loves to do and what she is passionate about. We also face the harsh and cold reality she sees, the juxtaposition of her life. We delve into her world, each story is a different day and a different way of living life. It’s just the reality of an ordinary girl.

Screen shot from Jumbles (Part 1) - Cinematic VR
Jumbles explores three distinct - yet flowing and cohesive - narratives, surrounding the day to day on goings, thoughts and feelings of our unnamed protagonist, through whose eyes we see the individual narratives unfold. The stories selected are centred around relatability, in the sense that the audience shares a some sense of perspective around their experience with our protagonist. Initially to set the scene for the rest of the episodes within the production, our protagonist lets us in to their environment and communicates to the viewers her own activities, her thoughts, her feelings, her memories and the sensations that each of them bring about. This in turn establishes how the rest of the narratives proceed by setting both the overall tone of the series and immerse the viewer in the role of the protagonist, furthered by the immersion brought about through the use of virtual reality equipment. The protagonist takes us through the experience of what can only be described as a botched date filled with ambiguity left for the viewer to form their own understanding based off of their own personal experiences they feel would be applicable to the situation and the feelings and expressions of both the protagonist and their counterpart - a narrative we believe to be applicable regardless of circumstance. In the third experience, our protagonist takes us through her social experiences with the social anxieties that come about in social gatherings with friends and the expectations that we often make for ourselves based upon experiences we've had with events hosted and held by our friends.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Behind the Scenes / Making Of